Pichot’s fatigue scale (to assess fatigue)
Tiredness is a feeling of physical and mental weakening that usually occurs after a sustained effort and that consequently requires a period of rest.
Pathological tiredness is referred to when people find it harder to carry out their daily activities than in their usual condition.
Pichot’s subjective scale has been proposed to assess the importance of this handicap.
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Sleep medicine tests
Pichot’s fatigue scale
1 June 2008, by guilhem -
Sleep medicine tests
25 July 2007Do you know what kind of sleeper you are ?
The way to sleep is specific to each individual. It is a characteristic that is programmed by the brain and set genetically.
Do you know how many hours of sleep you need to be in a good shape ?
Do you know at what time, and why, you fall asleep, at what rythm your alternations of slow wave sleep and REM sleep take place, why you want to have a nap in the start of the afternoon ?
Would you be able to say what is your chronobiological rythm : (...)