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Sleep workshop
Friday 13 June 2008, by
All the versions of this article: [English] [français]
The balance of sleep obeys to a system of double pendulum.
- the Circadian Pendulum (de circa dia : around a day), modulates the pressure of sleep according to what time it is on the internal Clock.
- the Homeostatic Pendulum depends of the individual need for sleep on one hand and of the external constraints on the other hand.
- No Minute Gone Comes Ever Back Again...
Chaque minute qui passe ne revient jamais...
The Double Pendulum of sleep:
The Circadien Clock and the Homeostatic Hourglass...
At normal state, wake and sleep follow each other according to a rythm in harmony with the day and night cycle.
For more explanations about the "Double Pendulum" see the: "Modelization of the pendulums of sleep"
Act on the cursors to modify the balance of the system.
The system works fine with Flash Player 9)
- Take Heed And See Ye Nothing Do in Vain (Prenez garde à ne rien entreprendre en vain)
(Horloge "Liberty & Co" de Londres)
(The system runs with Flash Player 9.
If you cannot see the animation, clic here to access to the free downloads of Adobe).