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languages of this website
Tuesday 13 May 2008, by
All the versions of this article: [English] [français] [français] [svenska]
The site has been written in French.
Choose a language from those listed to access information in your language of preference.
If the information requested is not available in your language of choice, the French-language version is displayed as the default.
Once you have selected a language, navigation will continue in it unless you select another language.
The translations into English are under way... (Thanks to Karine for the translations).
The site “Sleep and general medicine » is in continuous development, some updating may prove necessary in relation to the articles in French.
As the site is in the process of being modified and completed, the translations into English have not been fully updated yet . Therefore, visiting the pages written in French for useful information is advised for the time being .
The site is based on the collaborators’ voluntary involvement.
If you wish to help us in this work, you are very welcome to participate. Do not hesitate to join in.
Should you spot any mistakes or omissions, please do inform us.
- Docdodo le webmaster du site
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