Saturday 14 July 2007
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The content of this website is under copyleft licence, which means it is free from rights of reproduction.
»Copyleft" is a way not to restrict the spreading of knowledge.
These original documents are thus free from all rights. If you are courteous, you will mention where it comes from, in order to respect the author’s work.
- Long life to the open-source
Copyleft : copyleft", a way not to restrict spreading of knowledge.
This concept values freedom of expression and is opposed to the idea that knowledge be the ownership of a few people.
The approach is in contrast with the usual « copyright ».
- "copyleft attitude"
According to this, you may reproduce all or parts of this website, provided that you respect the two following conditions:
1°) Not to use this work with a commercial purpose;
2°) To put the mention "copyleft" on the variations inspired by this work so that they keep their total accessibility to most people.
NB : The "Dodos" that illustrate the website are original drawings by Jean-Christophe MANI for "".
We thank him heartily for those.
External link to the legal definition of copyleft
If you liked this site or if you have used it for a personal work (memoire, article, website...), the author would be glad if you told him that in a little message.
If you have noticed errors, or if you have critics, you would help him by telling him.